Cracker Barrel

Cracker Barrel, originally uploaded by keithlam. I love the old fashioned southern feel. Country fried steak with gravy and a side of fried okra!

Recycling Austin

Recycling Austin, originally uploaded by keithlam. Scott recycling Chipotle receipts

Duke at the Olympics

Shannon Rowbury qualified first in the 1500m. I’m proud to have been in the same class as her at Duke.

Not Scared

Not Scared, originally uploaded by keithlam. These geese aren’t scared of people or coyotes. On a side note these little guys grew up so fast.


Estaban, originally uploaded by keithlam. I am so scared and confused by this guy…

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day, originally uploaded by keithlam. Happy Canada Day to Mukul and Jodie.