What do ESPN and PETA have in common besides 4-letter acronyms? Animal compassion. You may remember my previous post about coyotes when this all started. For using only nonlethal methods–including deploying lifelike coyote decoys–to discourage large numbers of Canada geese who have descended on the grounds of its Bristol, Conn., headquarters, international sports media giant… Continue reading PETA Loves ESPN
16th Annual Crawfish Festival
16th Annual Crawfish Festival, originally uploaded by keithlam. And I ate 6 liters of crawfish. Delicious.
Better Balcony View of Memphis
Better Balcony View of Memphis, originally uploaded by keithlam. Jamie and Ashley’s view
Roller Skating Rink in Hustle and Flow
Roller Skating Rink in Hustle and Flow, originally uploaded by keithlam. Conveniently located on the way to the casinos
Nothing like gambling
Nothing like gambling, originally uploaded by keithlam. Sam’s Town casino chips
Skeet Shooting at Willows
Skeet Shooting Scorecard, originally uploaded by keithlam. 24 out of 50. Not too bad considering all my training is from Big Buck Hunter. I did the 7 rounds with 50 targets for $52 with shotgun rental and shells included. SPORTING CLAYS Realistic hunting environments are simulated on 14 different shooting stations Shot in rounds of… Continue reading Skeet Shooting at Willows
Grand Casino
Grand Casino, originally uploaded by keithlam. Nothing like blackjack in the middle of the night
Fortune Cookie
IMAG0029.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Now here is a fortune that I can appreciate. I am currently traveling, and I am going to the casinos. Fortune cookie don’t fail me now.
View of Downtown Memphis
View of Downtown Memphis, originally uploaded by keithlam. Picture taken from my brother’s apartment balcony.
Welcome to Memphis
Welcome to Memphis, originally uploaded by keithlam. Time to celebrate the end of Jamie’s bachelorhood…