True Love?, originally uploaded by keithlam.
Dilbert Non-standard Equipment Compliance
I can’t say that this didn’t actually happen to me…
Paper Super Mario Bros by Keith Lam
Keith Lam created a playable version of level 1-1 of the original Super Mario Brothers that scrolls. The “system” is built using a chain-driven platform, controlled with a NES (well, Famicom) controller, thus allowing for some game play. Instead of moving the character left and right, you control the movement of the background, simulating Mario… Continue reading Paper Super Mario Bros by Keith Lam
Duke v UNC (Me v Everyone else at Jodie’s)
It isn’t that everyone is a UNC fan. Like Jodie, many are just Duke haters. I love it because it makes wins like last night’s even better, especially when the leading scorers were Paulus and Scheyer.
Damn Groundhog
Damn I hate the winter. Now I have to live through 6 more weeks of cold?! How dare he look at this shadow. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow Saturday, leading the groundhog to forecast six more weeks of winter. The tradition is that if a hibernating animal sees a shadow on February 2 — the… Continue reading Damn Groundhog
Freeze Time at Grand Central?
Great prank. I would have been so confused about what was going on.
Matt Restivo Karaoke
Matt Restivo Karaoke, originally uploaded by keithlam. If only I could sing…
Think Coffee
Think Coffee, originally uploaded by keithlam. Nothing like coffee at midnight
Chipotle, originally uploaded by keithlam. The chipotle near NYU
Mager w/Kevin Rose
Pownce Launch Party, originally uploaded by magerleagues. Andy Mager chilling out with Kevin Rose at the Pownce Launch Party Don’t worry he is still hitting on every cute girl in sight.