11-07-07_2350.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Andy peterson doing his best red baron impression
11-05-07_1300.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Line for chipotle and yes the line is wrapping around the building
11-04-07_1941.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. 42nd street
11-04-07_1426.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Unnecessary noise prohibited…sounds hard to enforce
11-01-07_2050.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Lime devil
11-01-07_1020.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Happy november
WTF? Transparent Leopard Menu Bar Sucks
Okay class, which one is better-looking and more functional: A transparent one that looks weird and impossible to read or the old tried and true opaque one? How did Steve Jobs and the rest of Apple let this fly? There isn’t even an option to make the menu bar opaque. Download OpaqueMenuBar app to fix this… Continue reading WTF? Transparent Leopard Menu Bar Sucks
Drawn by Jason Wain inspired by Paul Ferruggiaro. An engineer rolling a new jar to prod. See more Wain drawings like a visualization of a riddle at austinhamilton.net.
10-30-07_2203.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Cereal killer
Coach K Describes Charlie
Q: How tall is Charlie Suwankosai? A: