“Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.” Translation: Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.
Most Unbelievable news story of all time
Read about it on wcco.com (local news of Minneapolis) “On March 30, Minnesota Timberwolves center Eddie Griffin was drunk and masturbating [to a porno on his DVD player in his front dash] when he crashed his luxury SUV into a parked Suburban outside a store in Minneapolis, according to a lawsuit filed Thursday by the… Continue reading Most Unbelievable news story of all time
BREAKING NEWS: Blue Devil Unmasked
Who is the Duke University Blue Devil? This is a question many have wondered. Well today I have proof that the Blue Devil is the one and only Charlie Suwankosai. Yes I know; it is hard to believe that mild-mannered Charlie is an engineer by day and the mascot by night.
Just want to take songs off your iPod?
Read here at apple.com if you want to backup one library and transfer it to a new computer. It is easy to put songs on an iPod. But Apple makes it impossible to get songs off your iPod back into your iTunes library. Why would you want to do this? Maybe you bought a new… Continue reading Just want to take songs off your iPod?
Want to sync your iTunes libraries?
Do you have 2 macs? For example, one at work and one at home. Then you are probably interested in being able to keep both those libraries in sync. Apple does not support a simplistic way of using your iPod to sync both libraries because of the possibility of someone taking their iPod to their… Continue reading Want to sync your iTunes libraries?
New Student Plaza at Duke University
Remember the old BC walkway? Well it is gone, and the new student plaza just opened.
Pearl Necklace $31 shipped @ Overstock.com
Give your special lady a pearl necklace this weekend. She deserves one ;) read more | digg story
08-14-06_0017.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. New speakers
08-13-06_1235.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Keg party for shannon
Congrats Doug Kim
Doug Kim (Facebook him), a 22-year-old recent Duke University graduate from Martsdale, N.Y., went out in seventh when he pushed all in with about 4 million in chips holding pocket nines and a flop of three, four, four. But Wasicka had him covered with pocket queens. “I thought this was as good a spot as… Continue reading Congrats Doug Kim