America loves divorce and parties, so why not have divorce parties? It only costs ~$100/head, and they will throw in a free divorce party with the purchase of a bachelor party. If just discussing divorce in public seemed taboo a few years ago, the growing trend of divorce celebrations is helping lessen the stigma surrounding… Continue reading Divorce Party?
Big Dog
Big Dog, originally uploaded by keithlam. Shannon’s family friends have a dog named Emmett that is about 10x bigger than Shannon’s dog Noelle.
Kings on a Yacht?
Kings on a Yacht?, originally uploaded by keithlam. I love rich friends.
Facebook Redesign!
It appears one of my favorite and most hated sites is getting a long-anticipated redesign. The main goal is to clear up the clutter of the profiles by separating content into individual tabs (news feed, info/bio, photos, applications). I have absolutely abhorred applications on Facebook from the start because most of them are dumb, data-mining… Continue reading Facebook Redesign!
More NYC Traffic
More NYC Traffic, originally uploaded by keithlam. Boo traffic! I’m convinced that the Holland Tunnel must be the most popular way into and out of the city.
Traffic Sucks
Traffic Sucks, originally uploaded by keithlam. Think your rush hour sucks? I have been on this street for an hour to travel half a mile and this is “normal”
Old advertisements look bad
Old advertisements look bad, originally uploaded by keithlam. Pretty dumb looking a month after tax day. I mean I guess it is only on the side of a skyscraper next to the Holland Tunnel.
ESPN NYC Flavia, originally uploaded by keithlam. Look at all these other flavors!
Central karaoke
Central karaoke, originally uploaded by keithlam. AP singing his go to song: wanted dead or alive by bon jovi
Seriously?, originally uploaded by keithlam. My rear view mirror just fell off my windshield