AP Getting the Business, originally uploaded by keithlam. This girl was straight up interrogating him.
Ashley Bryce & Jamie Riney Wedding!
http://www.ashleyandjamie.com/ Congratulations!
Central Cafe
Central Cafe, originally uploaded by keithlam. What else would I do on a Tuesday…
Austin Hamilton on Deadspin!
This is amazing…Austin is being made fun of on Deadspin. So you know how pretty much every page on ESPN.com has a “conversation” element anymore? (Except, of course, for Simmons’ columns. But that’s probably your/our/all-of-our fault. Sorry.) Well, that includes the ESPN Job Postings page, which leads to some awfully amusing comments. Actually, ESPN does… Continue reading Austin Hamilton on Deadspin!
OMG…Complaining works
So I hate the application spam on Facebook. I get a million application invites. You know the feeling when you want to see someone’s pictures or read their wall only to find it is buried behind 100 applications that are slideshows, where I’ve been, zombies, favorite music, superpoke, etc. Long story short they are going… Continue reading OMG…Complaining works
Our Sea Men
Our Sea Men, originally uploaded by keithlam. Everyone loves Our Sea Men. Disclaimer: Restivo named the band, who is going to argue with him he bought Rock Band and can play on expert difficultly level.
Happy Birthday Mukul
Happy Birthday Mukul, originally uploaded by keithlam. Celebrating 26th at the Olive Garden.
Fat People Don’t Wear Seat Belts [News]
Seriously? I don’t know how this is really news. Vanderbilt did some research of a phone survey and found that 30% of obese people don’t wear a seat belt. OMG! Compared to the average population where 20% of people don’t wear a seat. This is news? “We found that when weight goes up, seatbelt use… Continue reading Fat People Don’t Wear Seat Belts [News]
Pig plate misses Heat
Pig plate misses Heat, originally uploaded by keithlam. Lonely pig plate…
Power Station in O’Hare
Power Station in O’Hare, originally uploaded by keithlam. What a great advertising idea by Principle.