This is a brief review of things that I did and things that happened in the year 2007. It is a work in progress… ESPN: People left: Karen Lee, Heather Donahue*, Aaron Weyenberg, Mike Schmidt, Jon Kinnersley*, Jason Wain, Cody Swann*, Brent Soderberg, Geoff Brown, Mike Hall, Dan Poincelot People came: Austin Hamilton, Steve Clancy,… Continue reading 2007: Year in Review
My Christmas present to my brother this year was skydiving. Go to 2:00 to see the actual jump.
Young Avenue Deli
Young Avenue Deli, originally uploaded by keithlam. Good beer draft selection
Flying Saucer
I wish Jodie had this many beers on tap.
Beale Street
Beale Street, originally uploaded by keithlam. So many tourists cause of the Liberty Bowl
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, originally uploaded by keithlam. Enjoy this picture of the tree I put up.
Heroin Hero
Play Heroin Hero I thought the funniest part about the South Park episode Guitar Queer-o was the other game Heroin Hero that Stan gets addicted to. Like all rock stars, Stan got addicted to heroin, but since he was a virtual rock star he got addicted to virtual heroin.
I Am Legend
I Am Legend, originally uploaded by keithlam. This movie was pretty entertaining. Will Smith’s solo performance carries the movie.
MUS Class of 2002
MUS Class of 2002, originally uploaded by keithlam. And now we have had our five year reunion
Gun ads
Gun ads, originally uploaded by keithlam. Nothing like the South