“In my pursuit of extra hits, I’ve taken what I consider to be an ethical and transparent path. There’s nothing inherently wrong about promoting something you wrote, especially if you promote it using your own name. If you don’t digg yourself, who will?” read more | digg story
Vote for the ESPYs
I work for ESPN now, makes sense that I should promote this. Seriously though don’t you want people to know who you think is the Best Male Athlete? Clearly you would vote for me, but unfortunately I am not a candidate. There isn’t a write-in ballot either, so I guess you will have to pick… Continue reading Vote for the ESPYs
Install Picasa
I have used Picasa for a long time, even before Google bought it and made it free. I highly recommend it. Picasa is the closest program to iPhoto for Windows. If you install Picasa from this link. I get paid $1. Thanks.
#1 Thing To Do = Me
Read the original article at SI.com View high-resolution @ my Flickr 1. Carolina-Duke basketball at Cameron Why would someone spend as many as four weeks waiting in line for a basketball game that takes two hours to play? Because when it comes to a battle between North Carolina and Duke at Cameron Indoor Stadium, the… Continue reading #1 Thing To Do = Me
ESPN2HD on Comcast…Finally!
Comcast agreed to a deal with Disney yesterday (June 8th 2006). This allows me to watch things like the French Open and World Cup the way all sports were meant to be seen, in full HD glory.
Not the Duke I Went to…
Duke made RollingStone.com, where they compared it to the movie Dazed and Confused (1993) and the book I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe. They even said that the clubs of NYC do not rival the chances of Duke parties in hookup potential. What?!?
Movie Reviews by Keith Lam
I’ve seen 5 movies in the last month. As far as I can tell, that feat makes me qualified to be a movie critic. I will rank them and leave a little comment about what I think. I like to rank them on the following scale: You should definitely watch it If you are bored,… Continue reading Movie Reviews by Keith Lam
See more pictures on my Flickr (L to R: Dad, Brother, Me, Sister, Mom) Professor Owen Astrachan and Me George Hwang, Me, Charlie Suwankosai