I love gmail for many reasons, but one the biggest reasons is their very effective spam filter. “Not to brag, but I used to be known as the king of spam… ” “GMail puts spammers out of business”
02-14-07_1804.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Valentines surprise
Why I hate mailing lists and this guy (Shankar)
I got this random email about some BBC article on war and thought nothing of it…then things changed. This kid decided to send random, unwanted emails out about his life. My favorite part about this kid is that he somehow thinks he didn’t email me, but admits to sending out this email to a mailing… Continue reading Why I hate mailing lists and this guy (Shankar)
Stupid Electricity Bill
If you are wondering how much electricity costs for a 1 bedroom apartment in Bristol, CT during the winter, then it is $210.80 (17.94cents/kWh) for the month of February 2007. Other months have been more around $100, even during the summer when I was leaving my A/C running all the time. I think it is… Continue reading Stupid Electricity Bill
Top 10 Overrated Careers
Luckily my job didn’t make this list of the top 10 overrated careers by U.S. News & World Report. Most of the jobs are ones that sound easy, glamorous, or high-paying. Top 10 Overrated Careers Advertising Executive Attorney Chef Chiropractor Nonprofit Manager Police Officer Psychologist Real Estate Agent Small Business Owner Teacher
02-01-07_1652.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Conference
Apple TV
The modified mac mini that is designed for connecting to an HDTV has arrived. Rumors were flying almost a year ago about a product like the Apple TV coming out. I complained in a previous post about the idiocy of not releasing a revision of the Mac Mini that was designed for this exact purpose.… Continue reading Apple TV
Slingbox Setup w/Screenshots
Wondering the quality of a slingbox? When you are locally on that network, for instance in the same house on wifi, the quality is about the same as an episode of tv that you download on bittorrent or itunes. When you are watch remotely over the internet, the quality is slightly better than youtube depending… Continue reading Slingbox Setup w/Screenshots
Who Needs DVR? I got Xbox 360
I can’t wait til I can get whatever service this is.
The OC is cancelled!
Fox.com reports that its canceling its once popular OC. Finale to air February 22. It was never the same after Marissa Cooper was killed off. read more | digg story