I have always liked Flickr, but their Flash slideshow is a little lacking. If you have a high-res monitor, then the slideshow on Flickr is really small looking. But PicasaWeb (Google’s Flickr competitor) scales to the size of the browser, and unlike Webshots it actually looks good with scaling. Example Screenshots: View example:http://picasaweb.google.com/keithlam/DukePhotos Notice how… Continue reading Flickr Could Learn from Google
My Friends Want To Be Models…
What is the deal with these pictures of my friends?
08-02-06_1014.jpg, originally uploaded by keithlam. Andy Mager at work ESPN.com
Some entertainment
If you actually read my blog, then you know I have been trying to sell two Powerbooks for about a month. I finally sold them this past weekend to people who wanted to meet in person, and left a phone number they could be contacted at. They also apparently graduated from junior high and could… Continue reading Some entertainment
Very Productive Weekend
First off, I’d like to congratulate Heather Fishberg and Jeffrey Kobos on their new marriage. Beautiful ceremony and great reception. They even got a shout-out in the NY Times, which is awesome, even though I hate the Times. But good for them. Also congratulations to me, because I finally sold my 2 old Powerbooks this… Continue reading Very Productive Weekend
Sherng-Lee’s Innovative Shoe Tying Technique on RocketBoom
Sherng-Lee Huang shows Joanne Colan a new method for tying your shoes — 100% more efficient! Watch and learn, can you figure it out? watch RocketBoom version | digg story
Oh no! Pickles! AHH!
How can you be afraid of pickles?!
Air Up There 720
Taurian Fontenette (aka Air Up There) is nasty. I can’t believe this dunk. Most people do fake 360s…
XBOX 360
I finally broke down and bought an XBOX 360. Btw who would buy a core version? It is worthless you can’t play original XBOX games, save your progress, use Xbox Live, or play backup games off the hard drive after you mod it (hopeful on that last one). I wanted to buy a platinum version… Continue reading XBOX 360
My Powerbooks Are For Sale
Offer to buy on Craigslist ($900) The latest and greatest version of the Titanium series Powerbooks. This 15†Powerbook was the absolute last model made by Apple with a titanium shell. It looks great and still performs better than many other laptops. See Flickr Slideshow Specs @ Apple.com (pdf) Listing on Amazon.com Offer to buy… Continue reading My Powerbooks Are For Sale